I want to welcome you to your blog! Things have been bonkers and I know that you are all probably going a little stir crazy, much like we are. Unfortunately, this is how it is at the moment. The good news is that we have...
For real, you guys! WE can get ourselves to the other side of anything as long as we help each other through it.
How do we do that?
Well, our faith, which we talk about every week and do our best to live by, has given us a tool box of ways to get through what can feel like the darkest times.
Is it easy?
Not at all.
Can we do it??
I know you all deal with a lot already in your lives, you always amaze me with your goodness and your gentleness. So, I
absolutely believe that we will make it through all of this and we will do it together.
So here is what I am thinking and you can tell me what you think!
First, let's work on prayer:
Support through Scripture
On the sidebar (If you are on a mobile device you may not see it), I will be leaving up the
Streetlights Link so you can listen to the Bible stories of the week. But I recommend that you also use your bibles if you have them. Open up to Matthew 7:25-34 and really take in the words. Feel how much the Father loves you. It is so true, you are so loved. Sit with that for a while.
Then let's work on community:
Sunday Check-In
I miss you guys, so I am also going to figure out how to ZOOM!
Let's ZOOM! 😊
It will be open for anyone for any reason. I will let you know the times and I will send you a link if you are interested. That way, if you want to talk, ask questions, share concerns, whatever you need we will be there. I have invited Mr. Tanner and Allison Tanner to join us too. I am sure if you guys wanted Fr. Tom I could get him too. 😁
I will be linking some resources and some music. Please share them with anyone you think it will help. Bear in mind, not everyone was given a faith to fall back on and they might need it more than you think. Now is your time to share.
Please note, throughout all of this, I can be reached at agape@syrdio.org. Know that you are in my prayers and I hope you remember all of us, in yours.
You can also leave a comment down below! (Keep it appropriate as I moderate them!)
Check back frequently!💖