Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Triduum!

What did she say??

Happy Triduum!!

It means "three days" and they are the 3 holy days that precede Easter:

Holy Thursday

Good Friday

Holy Saturday.

Some of you may remember being part of the Holy Thursday procession. You may remember having to ring the bells as you were turned around to face the congregation. Some of you (or your parents) may have even had their feet washed because we do this as a reenactment of the Last Supper where Jesus washed his disciples feet.

You may remember how we processed behind Father as he held up the Monstrance and we put it in the Tabernacle under the image of Mary. You may remember how we left the church quietly, recognizing the solemn moment of Jesus alone, praying in the garden, as he prepared for Good Friday and his impending death.

We won't be gathering to do that this year, but you all can take a couple of minutes to be still and consider the loneliness of Jesus and the confusion of his disciples (and all who loves him and them.) It is similar to a loneliness and confusion some people may be feeling this year.

It is good to connect with the sadness, it means that we  take part in humanity and are willing to open up to people in their pain. When we do this with Jesus, we are better able to see him in other people. We are also better able to see him in ourselves.

When we do this, the areas that need healing get the attention they deserve and we open ourselves and others to God's mercy. I believe that God can heal all things, but we need to ask and to be open to it.

So as you go through the next three days, let them be set apart from any other days of the year. We talk about out sacred story, this is the vital part to pay attention to.

In the meantime, how about keeping yourself focused by listening to some music. Mr. Tanner made a playlist for you all. As did Miss Allison and Mrs. Falvo and Joe. I will be adding them right along. So stop back.

I'll get better at this, I promise! 😇

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